Marine Industry Flooring

Marine Industry Flooring


Marine industry flooring: BASADUR® specialized floor products portfolio is designed to protect the surface and increase the productivity of the user environment and includes various types of resin flooring based on epoxy, polyurethane, methyl methacrylate, and hybrid resins. Using the most up-to-date technologies of the coating industry along with nanotechnology has made it possible to use these products even in challenging environments such as marine industries.


What is Marine Industry Flooring?

Suitable flooring for marine industries must have characteristics that can withstand harmful factors such as corrosion, constant contact with moisture and water, variable weather conditions (cold and hot), salinity, waves, sunlight, etc. in the sea environment. to resist

Also, a high friction coefficient to resist stable movement and anti-slip are necessary features for this product.

Resin flooring is very resistant and stable and can withstand corrosion, heat, humidity, salt, and most harmful factors in the marine environment.

In addition, the characteristic of hardness and bearing heavy weights prevents damage to the flooring during the movement of goods and marine equipment.

Fast installation and easy spot repair are also features that make resin flooring suitable for this industry.

Resin flooring is non-slip, reducing the risk of slipping inside vessels and offshore platforms due to constant contact with moisture.

The high variety in the design and color of marine industry flooring can contribute to the beauty and visual standards of the marine industry.

Due to these advantages, resin flooring has become one of the best flooring options for the marine industry.

In various sectors of the marine industry, such as (ship flooring, deck flooring, wharf flooring, etc.), flooring is used according to the specific characteristics and needs of the same sector.

Types of Basa Polymer flooring suitable for use in marine industries based on the resin used are as follows:

  1. Epoxy flooring
  2. Polyurethane flooring
  3. Acrylate flooring
  4. Hybrid flooring


Flooring Applications in Marine Industries

– Flooring of ship decks and marine platforms

– Kitchens, restaurants, and decorative areas of ships

– Loading platforms in coastal areas

– Loading, unloading and loading warehouses

– Special passageways on the pier

ship resin flooring

An example of a ship flooring renovation project, with Basa Polymer resin flooring material (before and after)


Advantages of Marine Industry Flooring

– Atmospheric resistance in coastal and marine areas

– Excellent resistance to wear and corrosion

– Strong and stable

– High installation speed

– Flexible and flexible

– Resistance to chemicals

– Resistance to flame spread

– Anti-slip

– High adhesion to metal and concrete surfaces


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"Basapolymer, specialist in the production and consulting of Resin Flooring"

Besapolymer specializes in the production of various types of integrated flooring (epoxy, polyurethane, acrylate) and provides products and services. And is with you in the design of floor protection systems and monitoring services,
to help you have the best flooring system that suits your user needs.





