Aviation Industry Flooring

Aviation Industry Flooring


Aviation Industry Flooring: The complex structure of airports and the variety of uses in its different sections have caused Besapolymer to offer a wide range of Basador products as flooring for different airport sections.

With this view, Basador, with the support of its technical knowledge, experience, and variety of products, has been able to produce products suitable for the uses of different parts of the airport, such as hangars, maintenance buildings, parking lots for light and heavy vehicles, passageways for vehicles in flight areas, warehouses and logistics places. Provide retail areas, public and commercial halls, kitchens, and restaurants to facilitate the provision of services for the daily passage of thousands of people.

Basa Polymer (floor coverings and resin floor coverings based on a variety of Epoxy, polyurethane, polymethyl methacrylate, and polyspartic resins) has tried to provide products that meet the various needs of the aviation industry by using nanotechnology.

Resin Flooring for the Aviation Industry

The passageways of cars in the airport require flooring with a high speed of installation and repair, resistance to slipping on rainy and snowy days, resistance to freezing, thermal shock, and ultraviolet rays in addition to durability and stability along with increasing safety and variety. It has a design.

In general, the technical characteristics of aviation industry flooring can be seen as follows:

1- Corrosion resistance: because it is exposed to chemicals and moisture.

2- Heat resistance: the flooring of the air industry must be resistant to high and low temperatures and can perform well in different temperature conditions.

3- Anti-slip: The anti-slip feature of the flooring prevents accidents.

4- Impact resistance: the ability to withstand pressure and high forces.

5- Easy and quick installation and repairs: Air industry flooring should be easy to install and repair to reduce the time and costs required for repairs.

6- Lightweight: not putting extra pressure on the structure and aircraft, thus reducing fuel consumption.

In addition to being used in the aviation, spacecraft, and helicopter industries, aviation industry flooring is also used in other industries. For example, in industries related to the manufacture and production of electronic components, air industry flooring is used to cover the floors of data processing halls and server halls. Also, in industries related to refineries, power plants, industrial kitchens, etc., air industry flooring is used.


Click for more information:

Industrial Flooring


Flooring of the Flight Deck

Aircraft maintenance hangars: Among the key parameters affecting the service conditions of resin floors in the flight hangars, on the one hand, the spillage of aviation hydraulic oils, and various chemicals, and as a result, the possibility of employees being injured due to slipping, and on the other hand, He pointed out the need for high strength and mechanical, physical and electrical resistances.

In this regard, by choosing the right resin flooring system from a wide range of BASADUR® products for these important parts of the airport, it is possible to increase the life of resin flooring and reduce maintenance costs as much as possible.


Aircraft Flooring

Flooring implemented for Farsco Airlines flight hangar with Basa Polymer Epoxy flooring material.


Flooring of Warehouses and Logistics places in the Aviation Industry

BASADUR® resin floors used in air warehouses are designed to respond to very heavy traffic and cargo handling.

Among the features of BASADUR® resin floor systems for use in aviation warehouses include:

Hardness, high safety, various floor markings, durability, and stability along with impact resistance

Read more:

Warehouse epoxy flooring


Flooring of Kitchens and Restaurants in the Aviation Industry

Air catering, kitchens, and places where many foods are cooked daily are in the vicinity of thermal stresses, and on the other hand, slip resistance and compliance with safety instructions are key points of these places. In this regard, Besapolymer, knowing these things, has provided products for these sectors that, while promoting the health of the environment, guarantee the durability and stability of the floor in the long term.

Car parking floor:

Basa Polymer parking flooring systems can become the best choice for covered, open, and multi-story parking lots with the help of various features such as sealing the floor, preventing the entry of edible salts and chemicals into concrete, as well as resisting cracks and erosion. As a result, by increasing the safety and beauty in design, along with high traffic load-bearing capacity, they increase the life of airport parking structures.


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"Basapolymer, specialist in the production and consulting of Resin Flooring"

Besapolymer specializes in the production of various types of integrated flooring (epoxy, polyurethane, acrylate) and provides products and services. And is with you in the design of floor protection systems and monitoring services,
to help you have the best flooring system that suits your user needs.





