Industrial Cold Storage Flooring

Industrial Cold Storage Floor

Suitable flooring for industrial Cold Storage flooring (dairy industry, large freezers, laboratories, etc.) should have unique features. You need to consult an expert to determine which system is more suitable for Cold Storage flooring. You should also consider the specific characteristics of the floor installation (for example, what temperature is required to install the epoxy or polyurethane flooring material).

The floor of industrial refrigerators should be resistant to very low temperatures, easy to clean, non-slip, and have high mechanical resistance to heavy equipment. If the flooring can not withstand the high cold, it will make cracks, which will cause it to absorb harmful bacteria and endanger the safety and health of the flooring. In more severe cases due to the cold, the flooring will show a very brittle behavior and will be broken and detached from the substrate due to the impact, which will put high costs on the employer.


Industrial Cold Storage Flooring

To choose the best flooring system for cold storage, we must know the necessary features for this flooring:

Flooring installation temperature

When installing the Cold Storage flooring, the space must be quite empty. It is impossible to use the refrigerator at that time; generally, the flooring installation temperature will not be the main challenge in choosing the Cold Storage flooring. However, it is essential to know that epoxy and polyurethane resins need a temperature higher than 15 ° C for installation so that the surface properties of the flooring can be achieved with good quality while performing the curing reaction. However, suppose the industrial Cold Storage flooring system will be installed without increasing the ambient temperature. In that case, Using a methyl methacrylate (MMA) flooring system is essential to ensure that the flooring is installed correctly and not damaged because by observing the necessary conditions, it can be installed at a temperature of less than 0° C.

Cold Storage service temperature

In addition to the importance of the floor installation temperature in the refrigerator, the next vital point is the service temperature of the refrigerator. Some refrigerators used to store fruits and vegetables operate at temperatures above 0° C, and some refrigerators are used at temperatures below 0° C, depending on the stored products. Consequently, choosing the right flooring depends on the application. For example, it is impossible to use epoxy flooring in a refrigerator with a -10° C temperature. It will lead to failure, cracking, and eventually separating the flooring from the substrate.


Resin flooring can be applied on any surface. If the substrate is metal, it is crucial that the flooring has the proper formulation to bond to the metal. The metal can move due to temperature changes (expansion and contraction) or bend due to the weight applied to it. In such refrigerated environments, flooring is required that has the appropriate flexibility against these dimensional changes and possible deformations.

How to clean the Cold Storage environment

All resin floor coverings naturally create a smooth, seamless surface that is extremely easy to clean. Usually only needs a standard floor washer or scrubber. However, suppose your industrial Cold Storage flooring needs to be washed with hot water in areas where the flooring temperature is low. In that case, your flooring should be able to withstand this heat shock, and we generally recommend using polyurethane flooring in such situations.


Application of industrial Cold Storage flooring

  • Large industrial freezers
  • Industrial refrigerators
  • Cold stores
  • Large refrigerators
  • Frozen food warehouse
  • Warehouse of restaurants and hotels


Choosing the floor of an industrial cold room

Based on what was explained earlier, choosing the right flooring for the cold store is done according to the conditions of use as well as the installation conditions of the flooring and from one of the options of epoxy flooring, polyurethane flooring, and MMA flooring.

Polyurethane flooring for industrial Cold Storage

Due to its unique advantages, polyurethane flooring is known as the best and safest option for selecting and executing Cold Storage flooring in various industries. The most important cold storage polyurethane flooring features can be mentioned as follows.


Due to its slip resistance and non-porous nature, polyurethane flooring prevents liquids from penetrating the floor or slipping. Therefore, using this product ensures the safety of personnel and the environment.


Polyurethane flooring is more durable and long-lasting in harsh industrial Cold Storage conditions than other flooring options. Polyurethane surfaces are resistant to high activity and abrasion, which is common in industrial and commercial buildings and facilities. It is also easy to clean and maintain, ensuring the floor lasts for years.

Temperature resistance

Refrigerators are places where perishable goods and products (meat, fruits, vegetables, and seafood) are stored. These products must be stored at a very low temperature to maintain their freshness.

Polyurethane flooring is designed to be very resistant to different temperatures. It makes them ideal for various industries such as chemical production and processing because this flooring can withstand the freezing point temperature without damaging itself or the product.

Acrylate flooring in industrial Cold Storage

Acrylate flooring can be applied not only at temperatures between zero to 10 degrees Celsius but also at negative temperatures without any problems. On the other hand, the structure of MMA flooring allows it to be used in cold and negative temperatures without reducing the impact resistance of MMA flooring.

Due to the unique properties of methyl methacrylate flooring, such as high curing speed and the possibility of installation at negative temperatures, it is obvious that the price of this flooring is higher than other resin floorings (epoxy flooring and polyurethane flooring). However, due to this product’s long life and durability and the lack of need to close production lines, Ancillary costs are reduced and ultimately economically suitable for applications such as flooring for food factories, industrial manufacturers, and Cold Storage of the pharmaceutical industry.

Epoxy flooring in industrial cold storage

The use of epoxy flooring, among other types of resin flooring, is generally more popular due to its more affordable price and availability. However, it should be noted that the use of epoxy flooring in refrigerators is limited by the application temperature and the installation temperature of the flooring. If the operating temperature of the refrigerator is less than 5 degrees Celsius, the use of epoxy flooring is not recommended, and polyurethane flooring and MMA flooring will be more suitable choices.

"Basa Polymer, specialist in production and consulting of Resin Flooring"S

Basa Polymer specializes in the production of various types of integrated flooring
(epoxy, polyurethane, acrylate) and provides products and services,
And is with you in the design of floor protection systems and monitoring services,
to help you have the best flooring system that suits your user needs.



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