Flexible Polyurethane middle Cover

Flexible Polyurethane middle Cover

Product Introduction


Elastic flooring, intermediate covering for use with heavy wear traffic such as sports halls, assembly, and warehouse halls, repair workshops, garages, underground parking lots, loading ramps, etc.

Features / Advantages:

  • High adhesion to the substrate
  • Moderate hardness
  • Elastic
  • High mechanical resistance
  • The ability to bridge cracks
  • Resistant to structural vibration
  • Sound reducer
  • Easy to use during installation
  • Moderate flexibility
  • Excellent abrasion resistance

Storage Conditions

If the door is not opened and the original packaging of the factory is not damaged, the product can be stored for 6 months from the date of production in a dry environment at a temperature between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius.

Preparation Substrate

A concrete substrate must first be mechanically prepared using sub or scratch floor equipment until the top surface of the concrete which contains the remaining cement and water and causes alkalinity of the surface (concrete sap) is destroyed and Open pores of the concrete. Weak points of concrete should be removed and surface defects such as pits, holes, and cracks should be removed. Fix the following. Fill holes, holes, and cracks. For this purpose, you can use polymer repair materials. It should be noted that all the dust on the surface must be removed before applying BASADUR products, for which it is recommended to use industrial vacuum cleaners with high suction power. At first, the substrate should be coated with one of the base polymer primers.

Before the middle layer of BASADUR® U202 polyurethane, it is necessary to apply a primer and, if necessary, repair cracks and seal the foundation.

Technical Information

Appearance specifications:

Component 1: liquid, colored

Part 2: Liquid, transparent brown

It is possible to choose the color.

Need for primer:

Use a primer

Subtitles suitable for the product:

Concrete, mosaic, stone, ceramic, and metal surfaces


Small packaging

Component 1: 22.1 kg containers

Component 2: 2.9 kg containers


Before mixing the two components, first, stir component 1. After adding all of Component 2 to Component 1, stir the resulting mixture for about two minutes at a speed of 400 rpm until it is homogeneous. Then add other components such as silica powder to the mixture if necessary based on the type of system required and stir until they reach a continuous state. If you need to use silica powder, make sure that the silica is completely dry to avoid sudden foaming of the middle layer of BASADUR® U202. In order to make sure how to stir, pour the resulting mixture into another container and stir. Avoid movements that cause air to enter the mixture while stirring. A mechanical stirrer with a speed of 300 to 400 rpm can be used for mixing.



Polyurethane| middle cover| solvent free| flexible

BASADUR® U202 is a two-component polyurethane intermediate mastic with medium flexibility. The smoothness of this product makes it easier to use and implement, and its flexibility creates an elastic state in the product, which strengthens its impact ability and ultimately increases its mechanical strength. Also, the economic price of this product will reduce the total cost of the polyurethane flooring system.

Lightening and placement of mechanical equipment increase the need for vibration control. The resin flooring system installed in these areas must have a resistance corresponding to its performance. Therefore, the presence of constant or variable loads or fluctuations and even impact shocks should be considered before choosing a polyurethane resin flooring system. Using the BASADUR U202 and running it in the middle layer works well to break the path of vibrations and repel them.

The middle layer of BASADUR® U202 is a polyurethane mastic, the high adhesion of this product has made it possible to use it on various concrete, stone, mosaic, metal, and even epoxy flooring surfaces. Therefore, epoxy primer can be used to prepare the substrate and increase the adhesive strength of the polyurethane flooring system.

Polyurethane floors are sensitive to moisture. Therefore, when using polyurethane flooring, attention should be paid to the humidity of the environment and the substrate, because due to the presence of moisture, during a chemical reaction with the polyurethane hardener, significant amounts of carbon dioxide gas are produced and lead to foaming of the polyurethane flooring.

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