Solvent-free polyurethane intermediate coating

Solvent-free polyurethane intermediate coating

Product Introduction


This product is ideal for use as an elastic flooring and intermediate covering in areas with heavy foot traffic such as sports halls, assembly and warehouse halls, repair workshops, garages, underground parking lots, loading ramps, and more.

Features / Advantages:

  • Excellent adhesion to the substrate
  • High hardness
  • Resistant to impacts and hammering
  • Strong mechanical resistance
  • Ability to bridge cracks
  • Resistant to structural vibration
  • Easy to install
  • Moderately flexible
  • Excellent abrasion resistance

Storage Conditions

The product should be stored in its original, unopened, and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions at temperatures between +15°C and +30°C. Under these conditions, the product can be stored for up to 4 months from the date of production.

Preparation Substrate

In order to properly prepare a concrete substrate, it must first be mechanically prepared using sub or scratch floor equipment. This process removes the top layer of the concrete which contains remaining cement and water, causing alkalinity on the surface (known as concrete sap) while opening up the pores of the concrete. Any weak points in the concrete should also be removed, along with pits, holes, and cracks, which can be filled using polymer repair materials.

Before applying BASA products, it’s important to ensure that all dust on the surface is removed. The use of industrial vacuum cleaners with high suction power is recommended for this purpose. Once the preparation is complete, the substrate should be coated with one of the base polymer primers.

Prior to applying the intermediate layer of BASADUR® U201 polyurethane, it’s necessary to apply a primer and repair any cracks or seal the foundation if needed.

Technical Information

Appearance specifications:

This product consists of two components:

  • Component 1: liquid, colored
  • Component 2: liquid, clear brown

You can choose the color that best suits your needs.

Primer requirement:

To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to use a primer.

Suitable substrates:

This product is suitable for use on concrete, mosaic, stone, ceramic, and metal surfaces.


The product is available in small packaging.

  • Component 1 comes in 21.7 kg containers.
  • Component 2 comes in 3.3 kg containers.


Before mixing the two components, it’s important to stir component 1 thoroughly. Once all of Component 2 has been added to Component 1, mix the resulting mixture for about two minutes at a speed of 400 rpm until it becomes homogeneous. If additional components such as silica powder are required for the desired system type, they should be added to the mixture and stirred until a continuous state is reached.

If silica powder is needed, it’s crucial to ensure that the silica is completely dry to prevent sudden foaming of the middle layer of BASADUR® U201. To confirm how the mixture should be stirred, pour it into another container and stir gently without introducing air into the mixture. A mechanical stirrer with a speed of 300 to 400 rpm can be used for mixing.



Polyurethane| middle cover| solvent free| General| 15%

BASADUR® U201 is a two-component polyurethane mastic that is solvent-free and fluid, with suitable flexibility and high hardness. It strengthens impact resistance and increases the mechanical strength of structures. The use of specialized resins and fillers in this product has improved its ability to withstand shocks, stresses, and constant or variable loads, resulting in high durability and strength. This product is commonly used in assembly and warehouse halls, repair workshops, garages, and parking lots.


This product has high adhesion and can be used on various surfaces including concrete, stone, mosaic, metal, and epoxy flooring. BASADUR® U201 can prepare the substrate and increase the adhesion strength of polyurethane flooring systems.


With a mixing ratio of 15%, BASADUR® U201 is an economical polyurethane mastic suitable for filling cracks, floor mastic, foundations, putty work, and cornice implementation. By combining this product with aerosol powder and mineral powders, it can also be used as putty.


It should be noted that the economic price of this product reduces the cost of polyurethane flooring systems. However, polyurethane floor coverings cannot be used in high-humidity environments due to their sensitivity to moisture. Therefore, when implementing polyurethane flooring, measuring the humidity of the environment and substrate is essential.


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